This is the age of social networking and practically everyone you know is on some list making his/her network grow. While some of these tools form the A-list of people's primary networking medium, others are slowing coming up with niches that you didn't imagine existed. I have recently been drawn into Facebook by a handful of friends. I didn't think I belonged there but soon other friends found me, contacted me and before long I realized we had formed a small clique there. When I first read about Facebook I discounted it as some teenage-geeky tool that most youngsters might feel drawn to. I couldn't be more off. I am seeing more and more business professionals signing up on it, and like a colleague casually mentioned, it might soon become the tool of choice for shunning people with finesse and forming small cliques.
While these mediums do exist, I have to say that I have never felt myself being connected to so many colleagues and friends, purely through working in open source community. Just the other day, I heard from a friend I went to school with 11 years back, with who saw a post from OSAF in one of the open source forums and contacted me and here we were chatting, back like the old times. And I hear similar tales from others around me who have hooked up with friends through the community.
So while the social networking tools are doing their job, lets not discount the fact that networking just comes easy being part of an open source community.