The housing demand in the bay area has reached an all time high. Single family homes in Santa Clara county have gone up by 21% since last year. This makes non-home owners like us completely priced out of the market. Lets see where this real estate surge is headed while we patiently wait and watch.
A colleague recently pointed me to this interesting search site: combines the results from Yahoo! and Google and displays it in 2 different panes on the screen. Talk about creative projects!
Last week there was an interesting posting on about a program that some students at MIT have writen called
'SCIgen - An automatic CS paper generator' The program generates random Computer Science research papers, including graphs, figures, and citations. Well, this is not the interesting part. What's amazing is that one of their randomly generated papers was accepted to
WMSCI 2005. The students are now looking for funding for presenting the paper ..hehe.